Capstone Projects 2019 AB-InBevA Data-Driven Approach to Forecasting the U.S. Beer Industry———Suggested Order Quantities Arca Coca-ColaPortfolio Recommendation System for A Leading Coca-Cola Bottler BCG GammaCustomer Retention & Targeted Recommendations General MotorsZero Crashes Initiative———Tackling Congestion Using Connected Car Data GroupMProject Peggy Olson: Data Driven Creativity MFS InvestmentsFrom Unstructured Text Data to Interpretable Financial Prescriptions: An Optimization Approach IBMExplainability and Bias Removal in Natural Language Quest DiagnosticsPredicting Disease from Longitudinal Laboratory Data Lincoln LaboratoryUSTRANSCOM Flight Data Analysis———Optimizing Lab Procurement with Sparse Vendor Selection Rapid7Finding the Needle in the Haystack: Anomaly Detection in the Cybersecurity Industry MBTA BostonReducing Costs at The Ride RueGiltGroupeNavigation-Based Personalized Recommender System StubHubEvents and Tickets Representation Learning and Personalized Recommendation———Guaranteed Sales WalmartImproving Inventory Placement for Walmart E-Commerce Swiss ReProtection Gap Explorer: A Data-Driven Exploration of US Life Underinsurance WayfairThe Value of a Day: Optimizing Delivery Time TripAdvisorOptimizing User Experience in Hotels Searches by Accurate Price Forecasts UnileverDemand Forecasting with a Segmented Approach