Capstone Projects 2018 AB-InBevU.S. Beer Assortment Optimization IBM WatsonIntent Classification from Unlabelled Dataset BCG GammaDemand Forecasting for a Luxury Fashion Retailer———Trend Forecasting to Quantify Consumer Sentiment MailChimpGenerating Product Recommendations for Small Businesses at Scale BMWOption Take-Rate Forecasting for the BMW Group MBTA BostonRouting Vehicles for MBTA’s The Ride GroupM[m]clusters: Audiences First McKinsey & Co.What are Large Organizations Hungry For?———Introducing Ratatouille: a Generalizable, Goal-Oriented Dialog Bot———Machine Learning Methods in Credit Risk MFS InvestmentsSegmenting Retail Advisors and Optimizing Coverage Model StubHubAutomated Ticket Trading SwissReProject Phoenix: Wildfire Prediction in Canada WalmartCreating a Tool to Diagnose Out Of Stock Causes